For nurses and midwives from abroad, finding work in Germany has never been as easy as it is today. Germany has a serious shortage of healthcare professionals, particularly when it comes to doctors and nurses.
While this situation is considered to be a limitation or even a problem for the German healthcare system, which is forced to bring in qualified personnel from other European countries (like Croatia, Romania, Greece and Lithuania), for professionals from abroad it is a great opportunity considering the employment situation in our country and the decidedly lower salaries compared to those in Germany.
Many of the foreign nurses who choose to take this step decide to stay and live in Germany. Others, meanwhile, benefit from their experience working abroad and then decide to come back to their home country armed with better preparation, a broader technical and cultural background and the savings they have accumulated during their time in Germany, which allow them to find a great job at home.
Holalemania is always at your disposal: from the initial application or school contact to acclimatisation here in Germany. We will provide you with all the assistance you need to work in Germany (recognition of your professional qualification, flat search, etc.) and will help you to become more independent over time.
Holalemania team will be at your side with linguistic and procedural support at all time.
We are happy to answer any questions you might have, you do not need to make any commitment at this stage.
Thanks for attending our webinar as we truly appreciate your time spent with us !
Best regards,
Flavia Matarrese
Holalemania DE